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How to approach ICPA (Impolite Comments about Physical Appearance) in the best way?

K. Srutika Reddy

Everyone has encountered this issue where someone comments on you saying you're dark skinned, fat, wide headed ,too short ,too thin, you have disheveled hair, you have buck teeth and you feel like saying ENOUGH!

When you share this with anyone, all they say is IGNORE but NO, there is more to do than that. Yes, you read it right. You're not supposed to ignore but ACCEPT & LOVE YOURSELF rather than falling into despair. When you know that you can do nothing about it, then why do you feel sad?

In actuality, nobody in this world is perfect and just because somebody has the approved quality, it doesn't make them special. How can they be flawless if they're constantly finding flaws in others while turning blind when it comes to theirs?

An important question is "Why do people criticize others?" The answer is simple "because they're jealous of you and want to hurt you by blaming you. "So let us love us the way we are and not mind about what others think of us. Because people always have something to tell us about us no matter how perfect we are. Just be yourself and achieve your goals.

Beauty comes from within your heart not from outward appearance. Ask yourself these three questions :

i) Am I true to myself?

ii) Am I kind to others?

iii) Do I take care of myself by eating healthy food and by resting well?

If your answer is YES, then you're the most beautiful person in this whole wide world. So next time someone says something rude to you, just SMILE and tell them that you DON'T CARE and that you LOVE YOURSELF JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.

In addition to it, this article is meant to be an eye opener for those who comment about others. One common one is about skin color in which fair skin tone has always been associated with superiority and beauty in Indian culture. People need to normalize and accept different skin tones. Cheek dimples are a beautiful genetic defect and if people are able to find beauty in imperfections then why to criticize others on the basis of other criteria.

Furthermore, there is a great difference between being fit and slim and there is a concept called genetic weight where an individual's appearance does not depend on food habits.

What matters is you, not what others remark about you.
Remember, if you don't like yourself, nobody else will.


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