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S. Sowganthika

It's been 78 years since we gained our so-called independence, but I feel a powerful impulse to convey that we are still under the illusion of true freedom. We have broken free from the clutches of England. However, have we gained independence from the Western influences? Great Britain left us economically drained, but imposed their beauty standards degrading our complexion and the problem is, that after 78 years we still perceive Western culture as elegant, refined, and mannered. In contrast, we degrade ours which is best known for its hospitality and eloquence.

We have our independence to celebrate our differences, and with our culture yet we still see people prejudging when someone tries to embrace their culture because of their looks. This sense of prejudice stems from a persistent Western mindset. It is a choice, we have the independence to choose what we do, but it is a misuse of freedom when we ill-treat someone who did not choose the same that we did.

There is another way of interpreting the statement ILLUSION OF INDEPENDENCE

We are still caught in a mirage where girls are forced to be dependent, can't walk safely around at night, and are judged based on their dress. Boys are forced to be independent, even when they need support, even when they go through difficult times are not allowed to cry or share, and are judged only because they want to study something they like instead of working the so-called good jobs in the venomous eyes of the society.

What is the authentic purpose of independence when we judge someone embracing their culture, when women are not safe at night and are asked why they venture out late, when we prejudge others for doing what they enjoy, when we judge someone for crying or sharing their problems, and when we see Western culture as refined but label others as ill-mannered?

But I see this generation brimming with change and it has the power to  break this illusion.

Independence is not given, it is taken. All it takes to break this illusion is a step to change our mindset.


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